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Autumn Vibes

Posted by amy on Sep 22, 2022 | 419 Reads

September has always been one of my favourite months, the winding down of summer and turning of Autumn as we embrace the Equinox this month. I love the colours, the early morning and evening chill that starts to come in, the darker nights and the night sky always has plenty for us to gaze at this time of year. Walks out in nature are just wonderful; so much to notice about nature, and how it just embraces Autumn. Leaves just gently fall away, falling to the ground where their work continues and nourishes the Earth. Nuts, berries and last of the apples are to be foraged around this time. I recently tried my luck at a local hazel tree but it seems the squirrels got there first, fair play to them. Acorns seem to be in abundance, take a couple home and place them in a window, it is said that it will bring you prosperity and good luck. Autumn brings out the knitwear, we find our walking boots and thicker coats, preparing for the colder months that are ahead. As any Witch does, Halloween is always our favourite time of year.

It is time to get out the slow cooker, make hearty meals and enjoy a glass of Red wine or a delicious hot chocolate. As the nights draw in sooner we feel the need for cosy nights, fluffy socks and Sunday afternoons spent watching an old favourite film. Allow yourself, your soul, to embrace the gentle pull to slowing down, summer brings high energy, it is busy and active so allow things to swing back to calmer and slower ways of spending your time.

Another turn of wheel, another celebration enjoyed by many, as we celebrate and welcome Mabon. Mabon is a Harvest festival which is honoured with decorating your home with acorns, leaves, pumpkins, apples, sharing food with family and friends, harvesting your garden's goodies, sitting outside with a fire and trying to spot Jupiter, Mars - if you are up at that time! Or our nearest galaxy. It is a beautiful holiday symbolising thanks, celebration of Summer and the second to last harvest before we head into the depths of Winter.
It is a great time to consider your favourite memories of summer and your plans for the remaining 3 months of the year. Set some intentions around these and see where you need to get to work.

Mabon brings us the feeling of gratitude, what are you most grateful for so far this year? What has brought you blessings? Writing a list of the things you are grateful for is a wonderful way to honour Mabon, and of course all of those things that are on your list.

Mabon also includes the Autumnal Equinox, which is the point where there is equal day and night and then officially Autumn. It is a symbol to reflect on your life and assess where you may need better balance, where you need to refocus and shift your energy. As the season changes our energy changes, so allow yourself to see, feel where that is for you. I always say that having a balanced life leads to happiness and calm. Balance looks different for us all, the art in life is finding what it looks and feels like for you, then of course maintaining it.

There is something special about the energy the equinox brings, whether its this upcoming one or the Spring Equinox, the mid way point between the solstices - a reminder that life is always about cycles, the ebbs and flows of them and how we must learn to flow, to release to just let go when we are being called to.

Enjoy the upcoming celebrations and come visit me in the Zen Den or at one of my events, always welcome.

Bright blessings and autumn love,