Intentions and goals....
Posted by amy on Jul 29, 2021 | 895 Reads
Gosh I have just realised that I have not written on here for 4 months....I have been busy with expanding the business and my knowledge. I have been completing my Yoga Teacher Training, opening back up seeing my lovely clients face to face once again and hosting some fabulous Moon Circles. It got me thinking about how I have been really focussed in some areas but not so much others. This a few years ago would have annoyed me, that I have not been consistent with something, not given it energy and time, however this it sits fine with me, because my focus has needed to be elsewhere. I have trusted that I would be brought back to these areas when it is needed, it it was. I have learnt to flow more and move energy to where it is been called.
We often give ourselves a hard time over the smallest of things, learning to be kind to yourself and not be too hard on ourselves, is a good lesson to take on board. Equally we sometimes need the kick up the ass to stop procrastination and overthinking! Where do you find you often land? I am definitely more of a 'do-er' I get board if I am not working on something, I need to see and feel progression, this for me gives me motivation, dedication and supports my wellbeing.
When we set out intentions, goals and aims some seem so far away, yet before we know it we begin to achieve them; time seems to speed up. Suddenly those 4 week periods are over in a blink and we begin to see the months going by just as quick. Time flies when we are having fun or when we are focussed, it seems to slow down when we become depressed, unmotivated and are not focussed. In both cases it is important to be as 'in the now,' as much as you can be, allowing yourself to completely experience things in the moment, particularly times with family, friends and being present when you reach those aims and goals.
I like to work with the natural cycles of the universe, the seasons, the moon and my own cycle. I find working in tune with the existing flows and ebbs of life enables us to flow better and it seems to support the bigger aspirations and dreams. Working with the moon means that you check in with your intentions at least twice a month, her cycles show us how we need to allow ourselves to go through our own phases. Such as time for rest and healing, time for creating and working, growing and evolving, and time for releasing and manifesting. When we listen to our bodies and give them what they need then this brings in the equilibrium which restores our health and vitality. Finding the flow allows me to manipulate energies of the universe, of my life in a way that suits me best, across all areas - family, home, business, self development, fitness, health etc.
When we are invested in ourselves and our intentions then this is where the work really begins to pay off 'What you put in, is what you get out' this is true for pretty much most things in life. If you truly want something then you have to find a way that you are going to be committed consistently to it, whether it is changing your mindset, losing weight, improving yourself at work, stopping a habit, creating a habit. If you are not fully invested in yourself and committed to reaching that goal then it will likely take you a long time as you will be easily distracted, you will give up when it gets harder and your energy just won't be working in the right way for you or you will just never reach it.
The reality is that when we start to achieve then we want to achieve more,. Reaching those small goals motivates you to work towards the others, we have the realisation that we we can probably achieve those things that we never thought we would do. Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith and trust in yourself and the universe, just make a start.
Start of with smaller goals, what areas in life do you really need to make some changes? Once you have identified these then figure out some realistic goals. Think about how these can be met, what changes need to happen, what behaviours and habits do you need to focus on changing? Once you have identified these then it is about just starting. Be consistent, check back in with your progress (use the moon, New moon and Full Moon).
Figuring out your own way of setting yourself personal, career, health and wellbeing goals will benefit you for the rest of your life. Work through your blocks and barriers, ask for support and be open to change, and remember that obstacles are just detours in the right direction.